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Friday 28 September 2012

What nobody tells you about pregnancy

There are a lot of pregnancy symptoms that most people are aware of (i.e. morning sickness; fatigue; swollen ankles etc). However, no one tells you about some of the less common ones, or at least they leave out the grimmer details. It’s not until you’ve swilled with mouthwash for the twelfth time in one day, trying to stop your mouth feeling like a camel’s arse that you suspect your experience of pregnancy may be more unchartered than you first thought.
I’ve listed a few things that no one told me about pregnancy that I’ve discovered for myself as I’ve waddled blindly through this baffling and remarkable journey.

1.  Your nipples constantly stick out like frozen Tic Tacs, forcing you to carefully choose which shirt you wear with which bra.  Everyone is too polite to point out your points, so you walk around looking like you’re smuggling marbles until you happen to notice them in a mirror.

2.   Whilst vivid dreams are a known phenomenon of pregnancy hormones, no one tells you just how weird they can be. I always thought the dreams would be about the baby, where you could feel the softness of their skin, and smell the soft talc of a freshly changed newborn.  Nope.  One of my dreams entailed the ceiling caving in on our bedroom.  I woke up in an adrenalin-fuelled panic, shot out of bed and squinted at the ceiling, and could actually see the insulation from the loft falling into the room.  It wasn’t until I turned a torch on that I realised I was hallucinating.  Not quite the lovely new baby dreams I was expecting.
Husband notes: “Or getting grumbled at for not understanding quite how chop sticks could be used as back supports when trying to sneak into the bedroom in early hours of the morning, having binged out on all those foods wife can’t have.  Yes now I look like I’m carrying triplets.”

3.  Get a group of pregnant women together in a room, and suddenly a whole range of topics usually deemed unpalatable suddenly become socially acceptable.  Everything from breast changes, piles, flatulence, bowel movements and pelvic floor exercises are discussed.  I know far more about complete strangers’ cervixes than I ever really wanted to.  However, it is nice to be able to talk about some things with other pregnant women.   Announcing your pregnancy to parents or other pregnant women is like signing up to an exclusive club.  This, I feel, is a great service to the rest of the population because, let’s face it, unless you’re expecting or have kids yourself, babies are frankly dull.
Husband notes: “This is same for men, however it’s info about friends’ partners’ cervixes which is frankly never appropriate.”

4.  I’m pretty sure some elements of my personality are changing. I have never been one to gush over the perceived cuteness of anything. Quite the opposite; I’m usually accused of being uncaring and emotionless. Lately though the mere sight of a tiny pair of booties renders me a simpering mess.  Most embarrassing.
Husband notes:  “Survival guide 101:  Always have hidden baby product in case of anger wave, then toss and run like hell.”

5.  For some reason I thought that my belly button would be an innie one day, and then I would wake up one day and it became a complete outtie, like some kind of fleshy aerial.  It turns out there’s a gradual migration of the navel.  Mine seems to be unfurling gradually like a limpet questing for algae.  It’s kinda gross.  When I sit up from lying down my navel sticks all the way out like a depraved, Ridley Scott inspired jack-in-the-box.

6.  Once you get over the holy-crap-I-had-no-idea-boobs-could-hurt-this-much stage, you reach a point where your boobs look awesome.  Unfortunately, for me anyway, this quickly transcended to a less aesthetic point where they just look bruised.  This is the capillaries bursting due to the increased blood flow and rapid growth.  Yippee.  It detracts somewhat from one of the few good pregnancy symptoms!
Husband notes: “I’ll always help apply the Bio-Oil.  I’m kind like that.”

So, pregnancy isn’t simply a case of hurling your way through 9 months of exorbitant tiredness resulting in a screeching, leaking being at the end of it.  Pregnancy throws your body into a major hissy fit with its assault of hormones, stretching skin and volatile mood swings.  I only have 3 more months to go, and I’m both exited and apprehensive about what I will experience over this time.