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Friday 30 March 2012

Lord of the similies

I think I'm generally ok at thinking up similies.  Recently however I've been so busy and tired that I can't seem to complete them.  I have several unpublished draft posts that are littered with such incomplete sentences as:

"It's been so hectic  lately it's like... playing swingball with a... building glass... I'm busy."
 "He's as impatient as... a firefly at dawn... a bus driver during... He's rude."
 "My ability to create similies was dimishing faster than a... pervert's libido in a leper's camp... I now suck at similies."

Yep.  A sorry state.  I've decided to try not to overthink writing for now.  Right now I'm going to focus on moving house, and hope my ability to communicate via wordy bits will restore shortly after.

Have you ever found yourself losing a skill you were once confident with?  How did you deal with the feeling you were getting stupider, and how did you rebuild your skill again?


Unknown said...

Don't beat yourself up love, it sounds like you've got enough on your plate to worry about similies on top of it all! I think the thing with most creative endeavours is they generally only work if you're relaxed (or as relaxed as the average person ever is). I find as soon as I have any stress to deal with, I can't handle new craft projects, I have to plod away at things I can do from heart without reading a pattern because I get too frustrated and annoyed otherwise. It's like a cow chewing the cud. As soon as a cow isn't happy for some reason, they stop chewing the cud. Now there's a similie for creativity if ever I heard one :-)

Lainey said...

Nice cow/cud similie - very apt!

That's very true. The more you try to force creativity the worse the result! I just re-read my post and my finger is hovering over the 'delete' button!

It's cyclic too. If I churn out rubbish posts/projects, it compounds the feeling I'm not creative, which adds to stress, making it harder to come up with things... and repeat!