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Thursday 3 February 2011


I do not handle criticism well. I'm the kind of person who after being gently told that perhaps yellow is not my colour, will dramatically don a black bag for the rest of the week yelling "fine, I shall just forgo clothes completely then" and rustle off in a mood.

This attitude was not very helpful when I was at art college. I tended toward (and still do) a rather low self-esteem, so it was nothing to do with thinking my work was perfect - criticism, regardless of how constructive, confirmed in my mind that I was indeed quite crap.

At art college, I was perfectly happy to be left alone to sit in a corner and draw cartoons. Unfortunately, no formal educational institution I ever attended were great advocates of cartoons being actual art, and I was not left alone to draw cartoons.
I remember it once being suggested that I try adding more colour to my work, and perhaps make my work a little larger at the same time. My response to this perfectly reasonable suggestion was to produce this travesty:

This has to be the ugliest thing I have ever produced (and I've eaten some pretty rotten curries). This monstrosity is 2ft high, painted on an uneven bit of plywood and flaunted a deliberate misuse of colour. My intention was to dispel my tutor's belief that colour is beautiful by making something so damn hideous it would make you break into a cold sweat as you fought against the need flee. And I drew it BIG. I guess the figure frantically shaking their head represented my reluctance to move away from my drab, tiny drawings.

I probably thought I was being really clever. Turns out I was a bit of a tit as a teenager. Still, my tutor never asked me to be more colourful or large and I was finally left alone to draw cartoons.

Note I am a little disturbed that I've given the impression that I all can draw is cartoons. Or worse, that the above drawing represented that I spent my time at art college pissing off tutors. To prove otherwise, I've added a couple of drawings I did at the roughly the same time as the poop one above. This might be taken as me being a bit showy or needy. I never said I wasn't still a tit.


Unknown said...

I really like the last one, it's really good! I just re-read a Far Side Anthology that lives by our toilet (not in one go I might add) and Gary Larson talks in there about how he was critised by his teachers at school for scribbling cartoons when he could be drawing 'real ahhrt, darling'. Bet he has the last laugh now, he must have made thousands off his work AND he gets the coolest day job of drawing cartoons for a living! Albeit his book lives by our toilet...but then it probably is one of the most well thumbed, well loved books in the house!

Lainey said...

Thanks! It is quite ironic that so many art teachers qwell so much creativity. I was happier when I stopped listening to them. That may sound a little arrogant, but it totally took the joy out of doing art!
I'm loving your blog by the way - I've directed my Mum and my sister to take a look (they are both keen sewers and crafty people. I mean they enjoy crafts, not that they're sly).