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Tuesday 30 November 2010

Bathroom melodrama - contains nudity

After spending a relaxing Sunday walking the dogs and generally doing nothing I didn't want to, I decided to take a warm bath before settling on the couch with Husband to watch Avatar.

I spent a while sloshing about in that sedate way that defines the Sunday Bath, then unplugged the plug and got out. I heard a Glomp gloop gloop noise that didn't quite sound right, and noticed that it was emanating from the stand-in shower, and not the bath. On closer inspection, I saw that a mini-fountain was slowing building from the shower's plug-hole and my old bath water (complete with leg-hair stubble) was beginning to fill the base of the shower.

Being the resourceful person I am, I stood watching dumbly for a few seconds before yelling for Husband. By the time Husband had appeared on the scene I had gathered enough wits and had heroically abandoned my towel whilst replacing the bath plug.  Husband, having been summoned to the bathroom and confronted by a naked wife, looked momentarily hopeful until I indicated toward the shower.

Husband removed the bath plug to assess the situation and decided that a plunger was needed. He fled downstairs to retrieve said plunger. In his absence, there was still a steady flow of water coming up the shower plug-hole, which by now was perilously close to the rim. I grabbed the bathroom bin and began bailing the water out of the shower into the bath and continued in this fashion until Husband's return.

I was quite pleased with my show of initiative until Husband pointed out that perhaps putting the water back into the bath wasn't really that helpful. Conceding the point, I redirected my bailing efforts towards the toilet.

The plunger, alas, was no match for whatever was blocking the system, so we continued bailing the water out until it posed no threat to the bathroom carpet (quite why anyone would carpet a bathroom I don't know!). 

I decided that siphoning the last of the water in the shower cubicle would be a good idea - I think I was trying to compensate for my earlier lack of wisdom, so grabbed the siphon we use for the fish tank and lay with my face pressed into the floor to get the water movement. At this point, I had an image of what I must have looked like; naked, flat out on the  floor with a clear tube running out of my mouth like some drunk sophomore getting their stomach pumped.

Having averted the major flooding issue, we decided to leave the rest for the letting agent to sort out the next day and so returned downstairs to watch Avatar.


Anonymous said...

"I was quite pleased with my show of initiative until Husband pointed out that perhaps putting the water back into the bath wasn't really that helpful. Conceding the point, I redirected my bailing efforts towards the toilet." I too was inpressed with the initiative it was great, and I didn't squash it flat as indicated above, I simple pointed out that bailing the water back to the sourse was in fact a differant kind of water cycle and was only prolonging the problems.


Anonymous said...

LOL. It could only happen to you. Mum

Paula said...

Laughing my socks off!

Anonymous said...

well done ps it would help if you keep the plunger in the bath room just incase then you can get hubby to plunger both bath and shower by multi tasking on both useing his ninja training for smooth running

Anonymous said...

re the above post its from dad xxx

Lainey said...

I like your thinking!

Unknown said...

Haha, literally laughed out loud!!

I hope your letting agents can fix it though, it would suck to have to bail out every bath into the toilet :-(

Lainey said...

The bathroom is fixed! 10 days after noticing the problem we can now bathe.
Apparently, one of the pipes leading outside was bowing and filled with water which then froze. The pipe has now been replaced, but the guy forgot to bracket it to the wall. I suspect further melodrama may follow...